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Productivity hacks: 15 ways to overcome interruptions in office and home workspaces

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Whether you’re working in a bustling office or from the quiet of your home, interruptions are likely an all-too-common part of your daily routine. These disruptions range from a coworker stopping by your desk for a quick chat to a volley of notifications popping up on your screen while you’re in the middle of a critical task. Whether in-person or from a distance, interruptions have a detrimental effect on productivity, focus and overall work quality. Not only does it take time to regain full concentration, but there is also increased stress and frustration, reduced efficiency and a higher likelihood of errors that arise from constant shifting between tasks.
What’s your biggest office pet peeve? Share your annoying work stories with the Globe
Interruptions are a reality of today’s work environment, so you certainly can’t eliminate them. Fortunately, there are several actions you can take to minimize their negative impact. Here are 15 that my clients have told me really work for them, both in the office and from a distance:
By implementing these strategies, you can effectively manage workplace interruptions, creating a more productive and less stressful environment.
Merge Gupta-Sunderji is a speaker, author, mentor to senior leaders, and the chief executive officer of the leadership development consultancy Turning Managers Into Leaders.
